I’ve got to tell you. There was a time when I did not know who the eff I was.
I was just navigating life, feeling like it was walking against the waves, a struggle, almost blindly keeping on going, not knowing or understanding why I kept getting in my own way, why I kept making the choices I made, repeating the patterns I kept on repeating.
I used to be all things to all people. Moulding myself to suit others, to make them feel comfortable, to make them feel safe, over my own needs, overriding my energetic knowledge and the pull of my own deep wisdom.
It’s only now that I can look back and see how little I trusted myself. Or knew myself.
I THOUGHT (and thats where we go wrong) that I had something in me, something that I knew was a gift, but I didn’t know what it was.
And then when I had the gift, I didn’t realise that it WAS the gift. I saw it as a struggle. A curse. Something that was wrong with me.
The ability to sense immediately someone’s aura, or energy. To be able to guide them in their own energy, to redirect that energy.
To be able to sift through the bullshit and innately KNOW what or who I was dealing with.
But I would ignore that wisdom. I would put my trust in others over my own knowledge. It’s that deep, innate wisdom that I have come to know and trust and love and honour now.
And it's like coming home. Like the kind of coming home after you’ve been on a wild and windy walk, your fingers and toes are freezing, your nose is cold, and running, you have a headache from the icy wind.
And then, you get inside. There’s a fire, and you can start to peel the layers of clothing off, and the feeling of warmth coming back into your extremities is almost painful in its sensitivity. But you know you’re going to be safe and warm and HOME in just a few more moments.
This is what it feels like when you come home to your true, authentic self.
And you slip into alignment with your real nature.
It’s this coming home to myself that keeps me putting myself out there, keeps me energised to work with women (and occasionally men!) to empower them to start trusting their intuition, to let them selves sink into surrender and trust, to feel their roots digging down, grounded and whole, as their souls expand endlessly towards the sky.
its THIS that I frisking LOVE.
And I will continue doing this, empowering women, supporting them and guiding them, redirecting their energy, seeing through their masks, disguises, and the layers of bullshit, to call them out, so that they can feel free AND earthed. Solid but ethereal. Trusting and STRONG.
This is the magic of WOMAN. Let us RISE UP TOGETHER.
For one, for ALL.
Sending you SO MUCH LOVE.