Hellooooo again!

I meant to post this BEFORE my instagram post this morning but i forgot…oops.

Anyway, I just wanted to talk a little bit about support here today.   As some of you know, I've been being coached by my amazing friend @serenalouth since the beginning of the year.   And I am so happy to say that it has proved to be one of my best decisions ever. 

I was lucky enough to meet Serena a few years ago when we were both training for our Yin TT with @theyogapeople . I've got about (at LEAST) 10 years on her, but I was totally in awe of this petite human who had such an amazing vibe, so much wisdom, and a real ‘je ne sais quoi’ as they say en France! And she wasn't even coaching at the time!  In fact, it was only an injury that took her from the path of yoga onto the path of coaching. And what a bonus for me!

Of course, it’s not only one inspiring female who has helped me to grow; not only do I have the most amazing support network of inspiring, kind, intuitive, loyal and encouraging friends, but I was also privileged to have been coached by the goddess that is @erinkyna, whose teachings on love, female sovereignty, and honouring yourself also brought me to the point where I am today.  

Both of these Queens' support, knowledge and wisdom has brought my personal growth forward in leaps and bounds.  But the key thing was that I was READY for it.  

I had the willingness to DO THE WORK. It would have been so much easier for me to keep allowing my mind, my negative nancy, to keep telling me how useless, worthless, unattractive, not good enough I was to achieve any of the things that I wanted to, but after over ten years trying different things (including medication), I made a conscious decision. I made a CHOICE. It wasn’t going to be easy of course, but I had started reading a book by Dr Joe Dispenza on the recommendation of another amazing friend, colleague, coach; a book called Breaking The Habit of Being Yourself. It’s pretty science-y but I think i needed that to realise that I did have some element of control over what my mind was doing.

Don’t get me wrong. I don’t want to sound like I’ve got everything sorted (something I always assume everyone else has managed!); I don’t believe that I won’t have bad days, or feel shitty sometimes, or get triggered…but I do now have the tools, the self-belief and the knowledge gained over years of study and work to help me to continue to expand.

The ongoing journey to self awareness, self love, self fulfilment is an amazing one, filled with curiosity, love, laughter, tears, acknowledgement of flaws, acceptance and so much more.  And it is the gift that keeps on giving! As there is ALWAYS more to learn! But its SO empowering and SO worth it. 

These beautiful women have inspired me, supported me and helped me to realise my own purpose in life too.  I've always loved helping people, whether that's serving them with food or soul, by the river (in Henley) or in the sky (with Virgin Atlantic) and while I felt like I was just a big fuzzy ball of cuddles and empathy, I didn't think that I could be the beacon of love and empowerment that i’m gunning for today!

Hope you enjoyed this post! Be sure to leave a comment if it resonates with you!


Isie xxx