Have you ever read one of those articles that tells you how to be the most productive human EVER?
Well don’t panic! I don’t expect that much from you. Just pick a couple of these and make them your NON-NEGOTIABLES.
GET UP. Set your alarm an hour earlier than you need to. DO NOT PRESS SNOOZE! I’m guessing, like me, you didn’t want to hear this. But hear me out. The first part of the day where, hopefully, its quiet, and your kids aren’t up yet, is the part of the day where you can actually get a head start and get a handle on your mindset, mental health and energy levels. In this hour, you can choose which of these, or all of them, practices are most effective for you.
JOURNAL. I know. You hear it all the time! Were you expecting something BRAND NEW? Forget about it! The reason everyone bangs on about journalling is BECAUSE IT WORKS… Check out my JOURNAL PROMPTS freebie for some, you guessed it, JOURNAL PROMPTS…
MOVE YOUR BODY. I don’t care what kind of movement you do, but MOVE YO BODY. You could sit on the floor and do some yoga or rolling around. You could stand up and do 20 star jumps (love these). You could do some seriously whacky hippy style shaking your body. Or just stick on your fave upbeat tunes and have a kitchen disco. HECK, join my HIIT YOGA programme 3 times a week! Whatever you do, the act of movement shakes up your body’s prana (energy/life force/chi) and gets it moving. This signals to your brain a feeling of positivity and propulsion. DO IT. Tell me how it feels!!
HYDRATE - Seriously. If you haven’t figured out that drinking enough water can alleviate the brain fog, WHERE HAVE YOU BEEN. Those 8 hours (I wish) where you’ve been dreaming peacefully (again, I wish) are also 8 hours where you probably haven’t drunk alot. Your liver is processing toxins. Your digestion is having a rest. The FIRST thing you need to do is DRINK WATER to give your body a helping hand! Flush out those toxins. Refresh. Rehydrate. Your brain is like a sponge. When its dehydrated it gets smaller, fuzzier and doesn’t work as well. Give it a drink, let it soak up all that water. And it will work better for you.
AFFIRMATIONS. Maybe this sounds too airy fairy for you. Well it’s time to give less f*cks about looking like a tw@t. Because your subconscious mind, which is in control about 90% of the time, believes everything it hears. If you are constantly putting yourself down, or stating beliefs about your abilities (you know, the “I can’t’s” or “I’m not…” or “I am..”) then guess what? Your subconscious mind is going to believe those words, and subsequently keep reinforcing those statements and beliefs until you eventually become those words. So choose your words CAREFULLY. I’m not promoting this idea that we have to be 100% fantastic ALL THE TIME, Goddess forbid! But if we can actively do something to pump ourselves up, and make our lives easier, that is quick, effective and FREE, then i’m all for it. Check out my AFFIRMATIONS FOR EMPOWERMENT freebie for loads of affirmations that can help you shift your mindset.