How we grow and evolve...
As I sit here watching the sun set this evening I'm thinking about how much has changed since I was last here 4 years ago.
Wolfie was only 4 months old, and now he is 4 years!
When I think back to where my mind was over 4 years ago, it was frantically busy, concerning itself with worrying about what other people thought of me, constantly paranoid that everyone thought I was a dick (!), feeling insecure about everything I said, did, my looks, my body, my whole self.
I would agree with things just to fit in, I would offer my help to people who didn't really want or appreciate it, just so that I could try and be the “best” friend to absolutely everyone. I was unconsciously obsessed with making myself indispensable to all. I was so concerned with making other people like or love me that I never questioned how I felt about THEM.
So many times, I would feel like something was missing in a relationship or friendship and rather than question whether that might actually be coming from them, I would work even harder to try and get what I was chasing.
And what was I chasing?! Well, for me, it felt like needing to fill a space in me where something was missing.
One day, it was like something just snapped. I was SICK of myself! I was sick to death of caring SO MUCH what other people thought of me. I was sick of holding myself back. I felt like I had so much potential, and I was WASTING it.
I loved my job (teaching yoga) but I was desperate to build more meaningful change for my students.
I felt the need to connect on a much deeper level with them.
I started working on MYSELF. And don't get me wrong, I felt like I had been working on myself for the last 20 years, but for some reason, it was at THIS point that it became really serious! I didn't want to spend the rest of my life feeling like I wasn't going for it, all in.
Through alot of coaching, introspection, therapy, yoga, meditation, and daily practices, it was like I flipped a switch.
I had worked out what I needed, what worked for me and what was important.
I got to know myself all over again, and learn to trust THAT person, over all others.
My signature 6 week group coaching programme!
For the woman who is READY to feel STRONG, CONFIDENT & EMPOWERED!
Since then, I can't tell you how much doing that work changed my life.
Not only was it my outlook that had changed, but my confidence sky rocketed, because I KNEW and TRUSTED myself implicitly.
My self worth grew exponentially, because I learned to LOVE & ACCEPT myself, unconditionally.
My relationships became stronger, more fulfilling and easier, because I wasn't afraid to assert myself, set boundaries and keep to them.
And not just that. I really WENT FOR IT.
I stopped not believing in myself, and my abilities, and said “FUCKIT” every time my inner b*tch piped up to tell me I couldn't do something or that I wasn't good enough.
And so I trained to be a life coach. I started coaching.
I led my first ever yoga retreat which was an amazing success (previously I had never believed I was capable or deserving of “success”) and now have two more planned.
I'm still learning, because, well, aren't we all?!
The healing path is not linear. But if we have all the right tools, like compassion, the ability to listen, knowledge, understanding, then we are able to keep growing and evolving into the most US we can be!
And I really believe that each of us is truly unique. And that it's that uniqueness, if we can channel it and own it and really LIVE it, that is what will create change not only in our lifetime, but in lifetimes ahead of us.
What would you be doing RIGHT NOW if you KNEW 100% that your dreams were going to come true?
If any of this resonated with you, and you want to experience radical, transformative self-love, acceptance and empowerment, then HIT THIS LINK!
My FREE TO BE MEEEEEEE!! 6 week group coaching programme starts again on Tuesday June 7th 2022. Find out more here! xxx