Such a well used word. What does it even mean?

Here’s the dictionary definition of “perfect”.

  1. adjective

    having all the required or desirable elements, qualities, or characteristics; as good as it is possible to be.

  2. verb

    to make something completely free from faults or defects; make as good as possible.

    “Completely free from faults or defects”; “having all the…desirable elements…”; “as good as it is possible to be”

I mean, that’s all fine of course. But when you apply the word perfect to people, human beings, specifically women, these become dangerous ideals.

Because one person, or society’s idea of perfection in human form is unachievable. The only way in which you can achieve perfection is by manifesting the true expression of who you really are; who you really are at soul level.

Our souls get buried deep within in, from almost the day we’re born. We become formed by the words used around us, to us, about us; by the visual examples we encounter of those closest to us. Our true nature gets pushed aside through societal constructs. And then we reach a certain age and wonder why we feel so uncomfortable in our own skin or selves. We feel misplaced, or outside of ourselves.

And so then comes the work of trying to find ourselves again.

I'm not saying perfectionism is an awful concept; in many applications it is a brilliant thing. Among many other skills I've picked up in my life, I used to be a jeweller, and in that trade, perfectionism will get you to the highest grade of your metier.

But perfectionism in your daily life can lead to so much pressure and then the highly likely event that you won't be able to live up to your own expectations or the perceived expectations you think others have of you.

I still catch myself with it. My need to be perfect completely constricts me instead of helping me to expand. If I've got a job to do, unconsciously I will be striving for perfection. And it will either hold me back from ever completing the job, or sometimes the pressure will stop me from even starting.

So as you know, my favourite saying is "just fucking do it" . And this goes for so many situations. Like this post for instance! I could get so hung up on it reading better (which obviously, I want it to read easily, that's the point of communication and connection) that I might fiddle around with it so much that I run out of time, only to come back to it later, and change the whole thing around and not even make the same point.

My point here is that we sometimes don't realise how much pressure we are putting on ourselves to be or appear to be our own construct of "perfect".

The thing is, all you really need to be is YOU. Not how you think you should be or what you think society expects you to be. So do you know WHO you are? I mean really? Look deep into yourself and think about what your values are. What makes you happy? Who makes you feel valued and safe and able to express your full self?

Figure those things out and being you becomes so much easier. And don't give any f**ks about anyone else. Everyone's got their own shizzle!

Sending Love xxx.