Oh GAAAWD. I can’t believe its been SO LONG since i’ve written a blog post.

I mean, its weird, because i honestly has SO MUCH CHAT the rest of my life and yet I never seem to get down and write a blog post!!!

Well. Here it is guys. And this post is IN NO WAY deep and meaningful. I feel like I need to talk about this whole year and what a real shitshow it’s been. Please tell me I’m not the only one.

Of course, there were the BANANA BREAD-OFFS, the crafting (LOVED THAT), the home schooling, at which we failed miserably after one of our first attempts ended in both of us crying. And shouting. And more crying and then eating lots of chocolate. At which point i wrote an email to his teacher documenting this occurrence and stating that it was simply not going to help him enjoy schooling.

Then, the Zoom quizzes. Only like them when I win. Which was rarely. And when there was a lot of booze. Of which there was not enough. Speaking of which, we did do an online wine tasting and that was super fun!

I was obviously teaching ALOT on Zoom over lockdown. Not for me the hazy days of furlough where everyone else’s husbands were home to take the kids on bike rides and share the “joy” of home schooling! Oh no. Jeff did cover me while i zoomed yoga around the home counties, but as soon as the video turned off, there he was, with two hungry tired children who were unceremoniously dumped on me before he had to go and do his work. GREAT. Not Jeff’s fault mind you, he is a business owner and so also no furlough for him either.

And so. I am so glad to not be in lockdown any longer! Although there are dark murmers of a “second lockdown” afoot…. PLEASE NO. BOJO. Pull your finger out and make some sense will you.

That’s all for today as its now 9pm and I need to go and hoover all the croissant crumbs out of my bed before I go and read 5 lines of my kindle and pass out.

Night night all and I will try and keep a bit more regular with this old blog shite but I warn you, it will just be the nonsensical outpourings of my overactive brain.

HUGS!!! xxxxx