I know I bang on about this ALL. THE. TIME. on instagram in my stories but I thought I’d put it down here in case you needed it IN WRITING!!
If you’re anything like me, and you are lacking in good sleep (hands up all the mums out there…) you might need a little extra boost in the morning…and I don’t just mean CAFFEINE! Heck, I have two cups of tea in quick succession most days!
This is more because if you are a giver, or a carer, or a mother, more than likely, you spend all your time managing others, and having very little time for yourself.
So these are some little things that you can do, that can easily slot into your morning, or whenever you fancy chucking them into your day.
I’m going to number these in the order that I generally do them, but feel free to mix it up!
DRINK AT LEAST ONE PINT OF ROOM TEMP WATER - flushes out the toxins you’ve been processing overnight
MOVE YOUR BODY - this could be one of many options - if you have more time, maybe slip a little bit of YOGA in there with gentle stretching, breathing and connecting - literally, just roll out of bed, onto your floor and take 5 minutes to do some cat/cow, down dog, forward folds and lateral stretches. If you’re low on time, do 10 star jumps!!! If you have 3 minutes, my ABSOLUTE FAVE, which the kids get involved in too, is to whack on a really bouncy song, and start DANCING!!! It might sound completely CRAZY but it works! I will create a Spotify playlist of all my super cheesy favourites and feel free to send me some suggestions!
AFFIRMATIONS - I KNOW. You’ve heard it all before but hear me out. Affirmations, WITH MOVEMENT are proven to start worming their way into your subconscious mind. They are an amazingly simple way to start re-wiring your brain. Just say them with your star jumps or as you dance or do yoga. (I love doing mine with my sun salutations in the morning) It doesn’t have to be anything too out there. One of my favourites is “I accept where and who I am, right now.” or even more simple “SURRENDER”. This just means to let go of that urge to control everything. Let it go.
FUEL YOUR BODY - If you’re not a breakfast person that’s fine. But just make sure you are staying hydrated. If you ARE a breakfast person, make sure it is nutrient dense. The way you start your day can have a massive impact on how your brain responds to stress for the rest of the day. Start the day right and it is more likely that you will be able to combat stressors more easily.
GRATITUDE - You’ve heard it a million times. It is by FAR the easiest way to pull yourself out of a negative, or lack mindset. Even THREE things, like the fact that you slept in a warm bed, your health, your family, your cup of tea/coffee/your cat - ANYTHING you can be grateful for, say it OUT LOUD or WRITE IT DOWN. And focus on that. Give thanks to a higher power if that helps you.
CONNECT - could be with someone in your household. Take a moment to concentrate on just them and ask them to do the same to you. If you’re flying solo, take a moment to reach out to someone to ask them for a 5 minute chat later on in the day. So you know its booked in.
There are so many more that I have and use regularly, but I don’t want to swamp you! You can do none of these things, just one, or even ALL if you want! There is no pressure if you don’t manage any! Just remember that we are all just doing our best, and just BEING YOU is enough and brilliant for us all.
Sending you all much love and energy,
Isie xxx